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Maria van Kalken
Director of the Old North Festival Chorus and Orchestra
announces rehearsals for the annual
2024 Festival Chorus Christmas Concerts!













Dear Singers,


I am thrilled to announce that rehearsals for the 44th annual Festival Chorus Holiday Concerts will begin on Wednesday, September 25, in the sanctuary of Old North Church.  Please arrive early to register; doors will open at 7pm and our rehearsal will begin at 7:30pm.  All singers are welcome


We do not require auditions, but previous choral experience is expected.  Singers are required to purchase their musical scores – which will be provided at Registration – and there is a nominal registration fee.


Subsequent rehearsals will take place every Wednesday – from 7:30 to 9pm – and will extend to 9:30pm as we approach the concert dates: Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8, 2024.  Our program will include a variety of wonderful repertoire, highlighted by Magnificat in D, by Jan Dismas Zelenka.  Other choral works I’ve selected, include: Vom Himmel Hoch by Felix Mendelssohn; International Carol Suites of the Americas by Mark Hayes; Bellringer’s Holiday (including the Ukrainian Bell Carol) arranged by Randol Bass; and other seasonal favorites!


This year’s team of section leaders/soloists for the Old North Festival Chorus concerts includes: Holly Cameron, soprano; Kevin Hayden, tenor; and Andrew Scoglio, baritone – all returning from last season. 


High School Singers grades 9-12 are encouraged to join! 

Returning singers!  Soon, please expect to receive an email including the global rehearsal and performance schedule, details regarding Registration, and pricing for the music.  Many of you will have scores for some of the music listed above, and of course you are encouraged to use your scores; please note that the International Carol Suites will be new for all.


Stay tuned for more information – arriving very soon!

I look forward to greeting you on September 25!





For  more information, or to apply,
please review the PDF below...


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